Regulations concerning residence in buildings


Hotline for employees

fon: + 49 381-498 1331
Monday - Thursday 08 to 16 o'clock
Friday 08 to 13 o'clock


Each employee is obliged to keep the costs to be reimbursed as low as possible. Costs already incurred are to be financed from area funds.

Please coordinate with your supervisor and colleagues to use the offices, laboratories and workshops as prescribed. Please take particular account of the regulations on staying indoors and the recommendation to wear protective masks.

Please note: This translation was made with DeepL. No guarantee can be given for the content.

Entry to buildings

Currently, there is still restricted access and stay for buildings of the UR.

Access to the buildings is permitted for university employees if they:

  • Perform activities in the buildings that are related to teaching as well as represent official matters (employees of the University of Rostock, including auxiliary staff).
  • Attending courses and appointments in connection with studies and teaching

Event participants may only stay in the respective building for the corresponding period of the event. Any stay beyond this period is prohibited. In addition, guests from outside the university will only be granted access to the buildings by invitation. In addition, the buildings remain closed to the public.

Staying in buildings

The presence in the UR buildings is necessary to continuously maintain university operations. At the same time, encounters of persons, for example in the corridor, in tea kitchens and staircases, cannot be completely excluded. 

Please note:

  • Adhere to the applicable distance and hygiene rules.
  • Work in laboratories and workshops is only permitted if direct contact is prevented and occupational safety is maintained at the same time.
  • Wear mouth-nose covering in the public areas of the buildings.

Please refer to the "Recommendations for the use of offices by more than one person".

Regulation for external companies in the properties of the UR

External companies, which e.g. maintain, deliver, set up equipment and machines, are also currently, during the pandemic, active in various ways in the properties of the University of Rostock. Clients are faculties, institutes and other areas of the University of Rostock. It is necessary that the responsible persons of the external companies and their employees are informed on site about the measures taken to protect against infection with the SARS-CoV-2. virus.

For this purpose, Staff Unit A has drawn up operating instructions which, together with the UR house rules, are made known to the employees of the external companies in advance of the activity and on site.

If external companies will be working on your premises in the near future, please send the operating instructions and the house rules to the external company before starting work. At the same time, please send the "External Company Declaration Form, Pandemic Coronavirus SARS- CoV 2" to the contractor. Before doing so, please fill in the fields provided by the contractor. The contractor will return the completed form to you. Please present the form "Attendance list of external companies" to the employees of the external companies who are then present on site and have them fill it out. Since this form is used for contact tracking, it can be destroyed after four weeks.

All documents remain with the respective responsible UR staff. 

Regulation for the use of rooms by several people at the same time

From 25.11.2021 for the time being until 30.01.2022 employees of the UR will be offered the possibility to work in a home office. In order to avoid an increase in the number of infections in our University of Rostock, offices in the UR buildings are to be used by only one person each, if possible. The regulations for laboratories and special rooms continue to apply.

With the following recommendations we want to support you if you have to use a room with several people at the same time. These recommendations have been drawn up on the basis of the federal SARS-COV-2 occupational health and safety regulation and compliance with them is mandatory.

Empfehlungen zur Nutzung von Räumen durch mehrere Personen gleichzeitig

Vorlage Gefährdungsbeurteilung für die Nutzung von Räumen durch mehr als eine Person gleichzeitig
Vorlage Protokoll Unterweisung für die Nutzung von Räumen durch mehr als eine Person gleichzeitig
Betriebsanweisung Atemschutzmasken
Vorlage Gefährdungsbeurteilung Tragen von FFP2-Masken

Stand: 22.11.2021

Protective masks

Currently, all persons in the UR buildings are required to wear mouth-to-nose protection (MNP) in common areas (such as corridors, tea kitchens, sanitary rooms). In addition, MNBs are to be worn in presence events, for example work meetings, workshops, meetings, etc., as soon as more than two persons meet.

New with the entry into force of the Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance (Corona-ArbSchV) is that

  • if the minimum area of the room is less than 10 sqm² per person

and/ or

  • the minimum distance between persons of 1.50 m cannot be maintained,

at least one medical face mask (mouth-nose protection, "surgical mask") must be worn.

UR employees who have contact with students during examinations and internships are entitled to FFP2 masks (or comparable masks, such as KN95) if the above conditions apply. This also applies to employees with other contacts to several persons, especially in public traffic.

Only persons who cannot wear masks for health reasons are exempt from the mask requirement. They must present a medical certificate.

The UR does not provide mouth and nose coverings (textile). In case of official need, mouth-nose coverings (textile) can be purchased via the Uni-Shop. Individual departments may purchase these protective masks and fund them from departmental funds. Central funds are not available. 

The following applies to employees:
If the risk assessment shows that a medical face mask or an FFP2 - mask must be worn, this will be provided centrally by the UR. Central provision is possible as long as resources are available.

Please note Betriebsanweisung Atemschutzmasken.

Proof of the need for medical face masks or FFP2 masks is therefore provided by the risk assessment. Therefore, please send the completed risk assessment and the required number of masks to the Occupational Safety and Health Unit

Stand: 16.11.2021


All UR buildings, with the exception of the UB buildings, are closed to the public. The UB is only open to university members to a restricted extent.

Status: 21.03.2022