Vortragsreihe Forschungsethik: Evaluation of the Moral Permissibility of Action Plans

Inhalt: Research in classical planning so far was mainly concerned with generating a satisficing or an optimal plan. However, if such systems are used to make decisions that are relevant to humans, one should also consider the ethical consequences generated plans can have. We address this challenge by analyzing in how far it is possible to generalize existing approaches of machine ethics to automatic planning systems. Traditionally, ethical principles are formulated in an action-based manner, allowing to judge the execution of one action. We show how such a judgment can be generalized to plans. Further, we study the computational complexity of making ethical judgment about plans.

CV: Bernhard Nebel received his Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Saarland in 1989, held an Associate Professor position at the University of Ulm between 1993 and 1996 and is now Full Professor at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. His research interests are action planning, robotics, and knowledge representation. He and his groups won some RoboCup competitions and some of theinternational planning competitions. Bernhard Nebel has chaired KR, IJCAI, and ICAPS and he is an AAAI and EurAI fellow. Further, he is a member of the German Academy of Science Leopoldina and Academia Europaea.

Zielgruppe: Interessierte am Thema

27.08.2019, ab 10:00 Uhr

Ort: Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, 18051 Rostock, Hörsaal 037

Anbieter: Senatskommission Forschung

Kursleitung/Referent: Bernhard Nebel

Format: Vortragsreihe

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