ONLINE COURSE: Productivity, Project and Time Management for Scientists

Course Description: To-Do lists, reminder apps, multiple calendars, meeting protocols, „zero-inbox“ strategies: A career goal for every one of us, should be, not to require project, time management strategies and productivity tools. Unfortunately, for most of us, we have to handle multiple projects at work, and at home.

In this seminar, we first consider what "productivity" should (not) mean to scientists, and then look at widely used strategies for productivity, project & time management, seeking ideas that could be useful for scientists. I propose a system to organize files, folders, tasks, projects, Emails & Calendars. By having a common system, combining personal and work-related interest and activities, across tools, and devices, we can significantly improve our productivity.

We look at the implementation of a productivity and knowledge management system and discuss ideas for better notetaking and a strategy to improve project meetings.
 The success of an implementation will largely depend on the creation of habits, to create tasks and take notes. Project meetings are a central element of a scientist’s work and a key factor in making these more effective is to link back and to look forward (with notes and tasks). We are therefore going to introduce a structure to prepare for and realize successful project meetings.

Focusing on strategies, apps and a positive mindset, this seminar will help you getting more things done, avoid errors, focus on what’s important, including fulfillment.


  • Definitions of success and effectiveness
  • Relationships between motivation, passion, perseverance, happiness and success
  • Techniques for habit creation
  • Techniques to create a positive mindset
  • Time management and making time
  • Overview of key project management strategies: Getting Things Done (GTD), Eisenhower Matrix, Kanban Boards
  • Overview of productivity tools and apps
  • Strategies to organize files, folder, tasks, projects and ideas: Implementation of a tag-label and search-filtering system
  • Managing research projects with ToDo lists and apps
  • Practical example of a workflow using ToDo and note taking apps: Zettelkasten techniques, atomic and evergreen notes; back-linking
  • Review and summary of five key books on productivity, project and time management: The Grit by Angela Duckworth, The Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden, The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky
  • Tools and techniques for note taking and the creation of lists
  • How to report in group and project meetings effectively

Target group: doctoral candidates and postdocs

16.02.2021; 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Location: online

Provider: Graduiertenakademie

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Olaf Wolkenhauer, Dept. of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics, University of Rostock

Anmeldung/ Registration:Online Anmeldung

Format: Seminar

Participation Fee: -

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